Teenage Driver Involved in Fatal Crash

A 58-year-old man is dead after a two-car collision that involved a 17-year-old behind the wheel of a large SUV. However, it’s very difficult to ascertain liability in cases like this one. The wreck happened in Macon near the intersection of Bloomfield Road and University Drive. According to police and witnesses, 51-year-old Roland Holt apparently […]

Nursing Home Falls

Understanding Some Common Nursing Home Neglect Claims Falls, out-of-control pressure ulcers, and resident-on-resident violence are the three most common forms of nursing home neglect. They all have a common denominator. Understaffing is that common denominator, and the crisis did not erupt overnight. Medicaid is the lifeblood of most long-term care facilities. In the 1990s, this […]

If I’m Attacked Away from Home, Should I Call a Marietta Personal Injury Attorney?

This question is an important one. After decades of decline, violent crime incidents suddenly increased in 2016. This category includes crimes that occur in private dwellings, like robberies, and crimes which occur away from home, like physical and sexual assaults. Additionally, there are more and more mass shootings in America. 2017 was the deadliest year […]

Types of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

No one is sure how many Cobb County nursing home residents are abused and neglected each year. These incidents are so under-reported that the available statistics are almost meaningless. Whatever the number is, it is too high. There is a difference between nursing home abuse and neglect. Abuse is intentional conduct or misconduct. For some […]

Dog Bite Claims

Marietta dog bite attorney

As recently as the turn of the 21st century, most dog bite victims did not aggressively pursue these claims. They simply were not worth very much money. So, a lawyer might send a demand letter and then settle the case for pennies on the dollar. But the world has changed a lot since the Dan […]

Tour Bus Crashes

What you need to know Large tour busses are much more common in Cobb County than they used to be, and tour bus crashes are much more common as well. In fact, these accidents have increased 42 percent since 2009. These collisions are incredibly complex. A serious collision may affect dozens of victims, and most […]

How Much Money is My Cobb County Personal Injury Case Worth?

This question is on everyone’s mind in the wake of a car crash, slip-and-fall, dog bite, or other serious injury. Unfortunately, this query has no answer. Any lawyer who tells you otherwise is either not very experienced in these matters or telling you what you want to hear. Establishing an accurate settlement value is an […]

Bicycle Accidents

Cycling Accident Car

Breaking Down Bicycle Accidents in Marietta For various reasons, more people are riding bicycles. For some people, it’s a good form of exercise. For others, it’s simply an efficient way to get around, especially if you are a child or only commute short distances. With more bicycles on the road, the overall number of vehicle-bicycle […]

What You Need to Know About Swimming Pool Injuries

Memorial Day, and the unofficial beginning of summer, is just around the corner. Summer means hot dogs, lemonade, ice cream, swimming pools, and swimming pool injuries. In 2017, only four other states had more swimming pool drownings than Georgia. These incidents are just the most newsworthy related serious pool injuries. There are others as well. […]

Georgia Lawmakers Change Breathalyzer Rules

DUI Arrest in marietta

Several months after the Supreme Court ruled that DUI arrest procedures violated the state’s constitution, the legislature changed the procedures. In February 2019, the state’s highest court ruled that, under Georgia’s self-incrimination law, refusal to take a chemical test cannot be used against a defendant at trial. So, going forward, Georgia peace officers will no […]