Obtaining Compensation in Truck Crash Cases

tractor trailer accident

Fully-loaded large trucks weigh at least 80,000 pounds. Moreover, these vehicles routinely carry hundreds of gallons of diesel fuel. This liquid burns at a different temperature than gasoline. That fact, combined with the massive weight, often causes catastrophic injuries, such as serious burns and wrongful death. The serious injuries are just one reason these wrecks […]

Hemp, Marijuana, Drug Possession Cases, and Marietta Criminal Defense Lawyers

Marijuana laws

The short, unhelpful answer is that hemp is legal and marijuana is not. The long, helpful answer is much more complex. In many Cobb County criminal cases, the difference between hemp and marijuana is the $64,000 question. These substances are both cannabises. They look alike. In fact, if you have hemp in one hand and […]

Georgia Hemp Farming Act Four Things You Should Know

Hemp Farm

Industrial hemp fell victim to the War on Drugs as this effort reached one of its early peaks. In December 1970, after a tiff with his wife and father over the $32,000 he spent on Christmas gifts, Elvis Presley flew to Washington and met President Richard Nixon at the White House. The King wanted Nixon […]

How Much Will a Marietta Personal Injury Attorney Cost?

Most of us have probably seen countless commercials from injury lawyers who say something like “we don’t get paid unless you win.” But just how much do these lawyers eventually get paid? And, perhaps more importantly, is the lawyer’s definition of winning the same as my definition of winning? To answer the first question, Marietta […]

Motorcycle Wrecks in Marietta: What You Need to Know 

motorcycle accident marietta

Essentially, there is no such thing as a fender-bender motorcycle wreck. These collisions almost always cause extremely serious injuries. In fact, during a collision, motorcyclists are twenty-eight times more likely to die than vehicle occupants.  Largely because of these serious injuries, a Marietta personal injury attorney may be able to obtain substantial compensation for these […]

Obtaining Compensation in Alcohol-Related Wrecks

DUI related accidents

The first drunk driving crash probably happened in 1897. George Smith, a taxi driver, was allegedly intoxicated when he hit a building. He eventually pleaded guilty, and a judge fined him twenty-five shillings. There were no serious injuries in that crash, but that’s not normally true in alcohol-related collisions. In fact, alcohol is a factor […]

The Five Basic Steps of a Marietta Car Accident Claim

The first thing to understand in the claims process is that, in most cases, a car crash is not an accident. As former National Traffic Safety Administration director Mark Rosekind said: “When you use the word ‘accident,’ it’s like, ‘God made it happen.’” As outlined below, that’s hardly ever the case. Indeed, turn-of-the-twentieth-century factory owners […]

What You Should Know About Car Crash-Induced Brain Injuries

Head injuries send more than 1.5 million Americans to hospital emergency rooms every year, and car crashes cause about two-thirds of these incidents. Even though these injuries have high fatality rates, as outlined below, many of these victims do not get the treatment they need. The frequency and severity of car crash-induced Traumatic Brain Injuries […]

Top Five Insurance Company Defenses in Car Wreck Claims

On average, insurance companies pay about $20,000 to settle a personal injury and property damage vehicle collision claim. Insurance companies make money when they collect premiums and lose money when they pay claims. So, to avoid payment, insurance companies have posses of lawyers who will do anything within the law to reduce or deny compensation […]

What Are the Five Pillars of a Successful Negligence Case?

Serious car crashes are incredibly expensive. The hospital bills alone often exceed $100,000. Vehicle repair or replacement, lost wages, and other expenses add thousands of dollars more to the cost. While they struggle with paying bills and recovering physically, most car crash victims struggle to get better emotionally. That’s not easy to do, because car […]