More Changes Coming to Marijuana Possession Laws?

Marijuana laws

Senators are expected to approve a bill expanding bank services to marijuana dealers, but the measure faces an uncertain future in the Republican-controlled House. Both Republicans and Democrats on the committee support the Safe Banking Act and expressed confidence that it would have enough support to pass the Senate when it comes up for a […]

Two Crisp County Men in Jail Following Drug Sweep

search warrant

Four months after a multi-agency investigation began, authorities arrested two men on various drug trafficking-related charges. GBI Southwestern Regional Drug Enforcement Office, Crisp County Sheriff’s Office, and the Drug Enforcement Administration all collaborated on the drug trafficking investigation, which targeted a 26-year-old Cordele resident, who was an alleged drug lord. At the end of the […]

Marijuana Breathalyzer Test Coming to the United States

Marijuana laws

The National Institute of Science and Technology has earmarked $1.4 million to study roadside cannabis chemical tests. This study is part of an overall effort headed by the National Institute of Justice. So far, the NIJ has committed over $14 million to over two dozen marijuana breathalyzer researchers. “With these awards, NIJ continues its dedication […]

Senate Dems Introduce Marijuana Legalization Bill

Marijuana laws

After repeated delays, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and two close colleagues introduced the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act. “Cannabis legalization has proven immensely successful at the state level, so it is time that Congress catches up with the rest of the country,” Schumer said in floor remarks Thursday. “I am proud to be the […]

U.S. House Approves Marijuana Legalization Bill

Marijuana laws

Three Republicans joined all but two Democrats in approving marijuana decriminalization at the federal level. In addition to decriminalizing most possession matters, the measure would also allow the Veteran Administration to prescribe medical marijuana, allow marijuana users to keep their security clearances, and expunge some old possession of marijuana records. Such histories “haunt people of […]

Hemp, Marijuana, Drug Possession Cases, and Marietta Criminal Defense Lawyers

Marijuana laws

The short, unhelpful answer is that hemp is legal and marijuana is not. The long, helpful answer is much more complex. In many Cobb County criminal cases, the difference between hemp and marijuana is the $64,000 question. These substances are both cannabises. They look alike. In fact, if you have hemp in one hand and […]

Is CBD Oil Legal in Georgia?

Cannabidiol is a semi-legal marijuana extract that’s found in health food stores all over Marietta. But legally, CBD Oil is in a grey area. In general, possessing it without a medical marijuana card could get you into trouble, and a good Marietta criminal defense attorney can probably get you out. Substances like marijuana, which have […]

Georgia’s Marijuana Laws Aren’t Changing

What Does That Mean for You? About half of U.S. states have either passed liberal medical marijuana laws or have legalized recreational use. For a while, it looked like the Peachtree State might join the parade. In January 2018, a group of Georgia lawmakers introduced a legalization bill in the Senate. At first, there was […]