Untying the Knot for a Second Time in Cobb County

Divorce Attorney

Subsequent marriages and blended families usually don’t turn out like the Brady Bunch. In fact, two-thirds of second marriages end in divorce. The divorce rate for third and subsequent marriages is even higher. Divorce always involves complex emotional and financial issues. Second marriages magnify these issues. Procedurally, second divorces are exactly like first divorces. But […]

FAQs About Child Support FSOs in Cobb County

Child support orders are, by far, the most common family support orders in Cobb County. If the couple has children, whether the couple is unmarried or married, someone almost always pays child support. Divorce orders sometimes include spousal support orders. However, most spouses don’t qualify under Georgia law, unless the divorce places an unfair financial […]

Georgia’s Supreme Court Reviews Child Custody Case

Cobb County Superior Court granted custody of three children to their maternal grandparents, but Georgia’s Court of Appeals reversed that decision, returning the children to their mother. The Court examined the evidence and felt that the mother “had a stable job and living environment, had completed substance abuse treatment and passed drug tests, had and […]