Alimony in Georgia: What You Should Know

alimony payments in marietta

Spousal support made national headlines in the late 2010s. For about fifty years, obligees (people receiving support) had to report receipts as income, and obligors (people paying support) could deduct the payments. The 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act reversed these roles. This federal law made receipts nonreportable and payments nondeductible. The jury is still […]

Setting, Modifying, and Enforcing Alimony in Cobb County

A number of states have changed their alimony laws in recent years, so that spousal support is more like child support. A guideline formula, which is usually based on income disparity and length of the marriage, is presumptively reasonable in most cases. But Georgia still has rather subjective alimony laws. Both initial determinations and subsequent […]

The (Somewhat) Changing Face of Alimony in Marietta Divorce Cases

From a financial standpoint, spousal support is one of the most controversial elements in a marriage dissolution case. Some jurisdictions have substantially rewritten their alimony laws in recent years, and some have not changed their laws at all. But Regardless of state law alterations, big changes are coming in January 2019. Many people (mostly divorced […]