A Quick Five-Step Guide to Retail Theft Matters

retail theft attorney

During arrests, police officers use strobe lights on their vehicles and in their flashlights to confuse and disorient suspects. This technique often works, especially if the defendant hasn’t been in serious trouble before. When these cases go to court, prosecutors often stay with the shock-and-awe approach. Once again, this approach is usually effective if the […]

Untying the Knot for a Second Time in Cobb County

Divorce Attorney

Subsequent marriages and blended families usually don’t turn out like the Brady Bunch. In fact, two-thirds of second marriages end in divorce. The divorce rate for third and subsequent marriages is even higher. Divorce always involves complex emotional and financial issues. Second marriages magnify these issues. Procedurally, second divorces are exactly like first divorces. But […]

A Complete Guide to Conspiracy Charges in Cobb County

Conspiracy charges

A drug mule might be the most common example of a criminal conspirator who knows almost nothing about the conspiracy itself. Others include people who use cash to buy prepaid debit cards and don’t know that cash is drug money, or lookouts during armed robberies. Legal activities, like buying a gun or a ski mask, […]

Insurance Company Defenses Go to the Movies

Car Accident

According to those annoying insurance company commercials that play during movies and TV shows, if you have an injury or other issue, the insurance company immediately takes care of everything. Real life is different. When insurance companies collect premiums, they make money. When these companies pay claims, they lose money. They make enough money, over […]

Could Back to School Mean Go to Jail?

back to school kid arrested

Courts have consistently held that teenagers have civil rights, such as First Amendment rights to free expression, at least within limits. Courts are less generous in terms of privacy rights. For example, random locker searches are technically illegal. But if the danger is great enough (e.g. a teenager selling fentanyl to other teenagers), courts usually […]

More Changes Coming to Marijuana Possession Laws?

Marijuana laws

Senators are expected to approve a bill expanding bank services to marijuana dealers, but the measure faces an uncertain future in the Republican-controlled House. Both Republicans and Democrats on the committee support the Safe Banking Act and expressed confidence that it would have enough support to pass the Senate when it comes up for a […]

Mystery Assailant Slays LaGrange Man

Few details were available after police officers responding to a shots-fired complaint found a corpse in a local park. At about the same time, another walker in the park, which is located in the 2700 block of Monty Bridge Road, found the victim’s body and called 9-1-1. That person was an acquaintance of the victim. […]

Read This If You Were Caught at a Labor Day DUI Checkpoint

Dui checkpoint cobb county

The unofficial last weekend of summer usually means baseball, hot dogs, and enhanced DUI enforcement. Admittedly, we got this post up too late to discuss the multiple jail release options following a DUI checkpoint stop. But cases usually take several weeks or months to wind their way through the pre-filing process and arrive in criminal […]

Three People Shot at Dublin Nightclub

An unknown person or persons shot three people, one of them fatally, in a quiet part of a quiet Laurens County community. “There was a shooting down the street and it was like a really big shocker because it’s usually really quiet around here,” one neighbor said. The lounge has been a nuisance before with […]

Everything You Should Know About Prenuptial Agreements

Prenuptial agreement cobb county

Among Baby Boomers, this P-word was basically a curse word. Millennials have a much different perspective. Prenups were divorce insurance policies for Baby Boomers. Prenups are foundation reinforcement for Millennials. Money fights cause most marital disagreements. Prenuptial agreements resolve money disputes in advance. Therefore, they make a marriage much stronger. That’s why more Millennials take […]