A Quick Five-Step Guide to Retail Theft Matters

retail theft attorney

During arrests, police officers use strobe lights on their vehicles and in their flashlights to confuse and disorient suspects. This technique often works, especially if the defendant hasn’t been in serious trouble before. When these cases go to court, prosecutors often stay with the shock-and-awe approach. Once again, this approach is usually effective if the […]

Summer 2023 Air Travel No-Nos

air travel dos and don'ts

The mask mandate is a distant memory and travel bargains are still available. So, if you haven’t flown for a while, the summer of 2023 might be the time to change that. Almost all of the three million Americans who take to the skies every day arrive at their destinations without any incident, aside from […]

Breaking Down a Retail Theft Case in Cobb County

retail theft attorney

It’s a victimless crime. The store just writes off the loss. The rich manufacturer doesn’t care about theft. Aggressive marketing campaigns create uncontrollable urges to acquire merchandise. The cops don’t even respond to petty retail theft cases. Prosecutors quickly drop these cases if, by some miracle, they make it to court. Shoplifting excuses abound. But […]

Five Examples of Theft in Georgia

retail theft attorney

Although religious scholars broke it down further, the original “thou shalt not steal” invective was only one rule. Modern Georgia law technically contains six theft prohibitions. However, my web guy said people are more likely to read odd-numbered listicles (five reasons why, seven reasons why, etc.). So, we’ll go with five for purposes of this […]