John Hinkley, Jr. Released from All Restrictions

John Hinkley Jr

More than forty years after his crime, the failed Presidential assassin is now free to pursue his dream of becoming a chart-topping folk singer. “I’m very sorry, I have tremendous remorse for what I did in 1981,” he said recently. Although doctors testified that he’s no longer a threat to himself or others, he still […]

Civil and Criminal Law Issues in School Shootings

Civil and Criminal Law Issues in School Shootings February 22, 2024 by Dean Phillips The number of violent deaths in American public and private schools has dropped significantly since the 1990s. However, that statistic is little comfort to the families of these children. Furthermore, these incidents always make major headlines, putting considerable pressure on law enforcement to make arrests […]

Civil and Criminal Law Issues in School Shootings

The number of violent deaths in American public and private schools has dropped significantly since the 1990s. However, that statistic is little comfort to the families of these children. Furthermore, these incidents always make major headlines, putting considerable pressure on law enforcement to make arrests and prosecutors to obtain convictions. Violent incidents at school, or […]