What Should I Do After a Car Accident?

what to do after a car accident

Vehicle collisions kill or seriously injure millions of Americans every year. Thanks to negligence laws, accident victims might be entitled to substantial compensation, even if the other driver did not receive a citation. Frequently, the most critical part of a car crash claim is the brief window of time between the crash itself and the […]

Five Things to Do After a Car Crash

Car crashes kill or seriously injure millions of people each year. Sometimes, these incidents are accidents. Wind gusts and lightning strikes cause a handful of collisions. Manufacturer errors, like defective tires, cause a few more. But driver error causes over 90 percent of the vehicle collisions in Cobb County. Keeping that one fact in mind […]

Car Crashes and Substance Use in Marietta

Words have power. “Liberal” has a different connotation than “progressive,” even though they basically mean the same thing. Similarly, there’s a big difference between a “car crash” and a “car accident.” National Highway Traffic Safety Administration head Dr. Mark Rosekind said as much during a Harvard seminar in 2016. “When you use the word ‘accident,’ […]