How to Beat Hit-and-Run Charges

Hit and Run

The prosecution rate for hit-and-run offenders is very low. Only about 10 percent of these cases make it to court. However, that statistic is not much consolation if you’re among that 10 percent. Fortunately, the same aspects of hit-and-run that keep these cases from going to court makes it easier to defend them in court. […]

Georgia Legislature Moves Closer to Expanded Expunction Laws

Court of Appeals GA

Lawmakers advanced a pair of eleventh-hour proposals which, advocates claim, would make it easier for people convicted of minor offenses to move on with their lives. The House Judiciary Non-Civil Committee unanimously approved Senate Bill 157, intended to give Georgians convicted of minor offenses more access to professional licenses needed to work in one of […]

Authorities Target Retail Theft Rings

retail theft attorney

Three people, who were allegedly part of an organized theft ring, stole about $8,000 worth of merchandise from two retailers in under two hours. Surveillance video of two women shows them stuffing the big bags with armloads of clothes, some still on the hangers. Police say big bags and large quantities of stolen goods are […]

Police Officer Facing Child Pornography Charges

A 48-year-old man was suspended from the Chamblee Police Department while authorities investigate charges of online child pornography distribution. The Chamblee Police Department said it is aware of the criminal charges pending against one of its employees. It immediately relieved him of his duties pending the outcome of the investigation. According to the GBI, the […]

Jail Release and DUI: A Closer Look

DUI Drug checkpoint police

When it comes to DUI enforcement, peace officers are currently in catch-up mode. When football teams fall behind and must play catch-up, they play much more aggressively. They pass more on offense and blitz more on defense. Peace officers are in catch-up mode because the number of DUIs surged during and immediately after coronavirus lockdowns. […]

North Macon Teen Slain in Shooting

lawyer wants me to plead guilty

Few details were available after a 17-year-old Macon boy was shot and killed in a parking lot of a popular fitness center. A release from the Bibb County Sheriff’s office says it started with a call for a fight in the Planet Fitness parking lot on Tom Hill Sr. Blvd. While Deputies were on the […]

A Complete Guide to Domestic Battery in Cobb County

battered syndrome

For defendants, a domestic disturbance call usually begins a downward spiral that begins with a Section 16-5-23 charge and often seems endless. Life moves so fast that a mandatory 24-hour jail hold, which applies in most cases, often has severe social, vocational, and other consequences. Unfortunately for defendants, that’s just the beginning. Almost as soon […]

Crime Suppression Team’ Nabs Drug Trafficking Suspect

Drug Trafficker

After Bulloch County authorities executed a search warrant, they arrested a man and charged him with several drug trafficking-related offenses. On April 1, investigators located a trafficking amount of marijuana, THC products, Psilocybin edibles, firearms, and U.S. currency at a resident in Cottage Row in Statesboro. Investigators estimate the street value of the narcotics seized […]

Is Georgia Tough on Sex Offenders?

sex offender

Remarkably, the answer to this question is “no,” at least comparatively speaking. The Peach State has very tough criminal laws in most areas, but sex crimes isn’t one of these areas. California was the first state to pass a yes means yes law. Generally, these laws make it much harder to establish consent, one of […]

Civil-Criminal Matters in Georgia, Part I

lawyer wants me to plead guilty

The different burdens of proof in civil and criminal court (more likely than not vs. beyond a reasonable doubt) are the most obvious difference between civil and criminal court. These forums also serve different purposes. Civil courts compensate victims and criminal courts punish offenders. Sometimes, matters overlap in criminal and civil court. The 1990s O.J. […]