What to Expect in a Cobb County Misdemeanor Case

misdemeanor charges

Ultimately, misdemeanor defendants in Cobb County can expect an out-of-court settlement. Over 95 percent of criminal cases settle out of court. However, as outlined below, settlement is a process, not a result. One reason the settlement process is long and difficult is that the defendants’ winning percentage at trial is a dismal 33 percent. Despite […]

ACLU Sues to Block Cash Bail Expansion

Cash Bail

Opponents Sue to Block Cash Bail Expansion A law adding some thirty offenses, including eighteen misdemeanors, to the cash bail-only list is clearly unconstitutional and grossly unfair, according to court documents. The new laws also limit bail fund groups to assisting with bail for no more than three individuals per year. “This is a part […]

What’s the Difference Between Adult Court and Juvenile Court in Georgia?

back to school kid arrested

Children’s decisions often befuddle or anger their parents. Crazy social media challenges are a good example. Some children eat laundry detergent pods, drive blindfolded, go for a spin in a clothes dryers, and do other insane things. These children see the possible reward (peer accolades and social medial likes) but don’t appreciate the possible risk […]

GA Men Ask Biden for Executive Pardons

Two men who served long prison sentences based on a law that the President now says was misplaced, the 1994 crime bill, want Biden to undo history. The men say they served their time and pay their taxes, but the stain of a conviction follows them when they apply for jobs, purchase homes, or apply […]

Young Thug Trial Update

Rapper Young Thug

Try to keep up. The soap opera trial continued when, in July 2024, the trial judge recused herself, only hours after replacing the first trial judge, who met with prosecutors without telling the defense team. Some time ago, Judge Rachel Krause, who heard recusal motions from Young Thug, removed Fulton County Superior Court Chief Judge […]

What is a Potential Defense to Sex Crimes?

Juries have little sympathy for anyone charged with a sexual offense. Despite the “innocent until proven guilty” rule, deep down, most people assume that anyone accused of a sex crime is guilty as soon as the handcuffs go on. Furthermore, most people believe sex offenders are homogenous. A flasher is just as “bad” as a […]

Is a Misdemeanor a Serious Charge in Georgia?

how do bail bonds work in cobb county

Yes, normally. Class C misdemeanors, such as loitering and underage alcohol consumption, aren’t that serious. A higher-level misdemeanor is a serious charge, in terms of direct and collateral consequences. Once upon a time, a brush with the law usually meant a “go forth and sin no more” warning. Today, a third of working-age adults have […]

Resisting Arrest: The Law in Georgia

resisting arrest

If people don’t immediately comply with police officer commands, officers often say “stop resisting.” Some people have compared that phrase to Allahu Akbar, the phrase which some Muslim extremists use to justify violent action. That comparison may be a bit over the top, but it definitely raises a valid point. For many years, the law […]

Property Divisions in a Georgia Divorce: A Complete Guide

Marietta Divorce Lawyer

Georgia, like most other states, is an equitable distribution state. This rule has two components. First, all property in a divorce, including debts and assets, must be divided equitably. In Cobb County family courts, equitably is usually, but not always, the same as equally. Furthermore, the divorce cannot be an unfair financial burden on either […]

Opponents Sue to Block Cash Bail Expansion

bail bond attorney

A law adding some thirty offenses, including eighteen misdemeanors, to the cash bail-only list is clearly unconstitutional and grossly unfair, according to court documents. The new laws also limit bail fund groups to assisting with bail for no more than three individuals per year. “This is a part of our heritage, us being able to […]