Cash Bail Measure Fails
Lawmakers couldn’t agree on a compromise measure to expand cash bail, and the legislative session expired with the matter still up in the air. The Georgia House voted 95-81 on Wednesday to pass Senate Bill 63, which would have required cash or property bail for 31 additional crimes, including some misdemeanors. But the House and […]
Summer 2023 Air Travel No-Nos
The mask mandate is a distant memory and travel bargains are still available. So, if you haven’t flown for a while, the summer of 2023 might be the time to change that. Almost all of the three million Americans who take to the skies every day arrive at their destinations without any incident, aside from […]
Antisemitism Law Dies in Georgia Assembly
Depending on your perspective, there was good news or bad news from the state capitol recently, as lawmakers refused to enhance criminal penalties for hate crimes. The bill’s reference to the broad International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism probably killed it. Certain political and advocacy groups oppose this definition. Additionally, the Georgia Supreme […]
Some Key Flaws in the Field Sobriety Tests
Most jurors assume the DUI FSTs are scientifically reliable. But such assumptions are often wrong. Indeed, a closer examination of the NHTSA-approved three-test battery reveals some significant flaws. The FSTs are vital in all DUI cases. Officers use poor FST performance as an excuse to demand chemical samples. If the defendant refuses to provide that […]
Thirteen People Arrested in Major Drug Bust
After they executed several search warrants in central Georgia, authorities seized forty pounds of high-grade marijuana, digital scales, multiple firearms, and over $125,000 in cash. Law enforcement had multiple search warrants were issued for residences involved in the drug trafficking rings. “While the investigation is still underway, narcotic investigators believe that they have already dealt […]
Is Domestic Violence a Big Deal?
It depends on who you ask. Most defendants don’t think domestic violence is a big deal, especially if the alleged victim didn’t have to go to a hospital. Before the pandemic, many prosecutors felt the same way, especially if the two people were involved in a divorce or other civil dispute at the time of […]
Breaking Down a Retail Theft Case in Cobb County
It’s a victimless crime. The store just writes off the loss. The rich manufacturer doesn’t care about theft. Aggressive marketing campaigns create uncontrollable urges to acquire merchandise. The cops don’t even respond to petty retail theft cases. Prosecutors quickly drop these cases if, by some miracle, they make it to court. Shoplifting excuses abound. But […]
What Are the Crimes That Can Get You Deported?
Prior to 1924, between 10 and 15 percent of Americans were foreign born. Then, Congress passed the Immigration Act, which included strict quotas, and immigration plummeted. In 1965, Congress ended the strict quota system, and immigration rates started rising again. Today, immigration is almost at the pre-1924 level. Officials usually prevent people with criminal convictions […]
Collateral Consequences of Criminal Convictions
Direct consequences of criminal convictions include lengthy incarceration, high fines, and extended court supervision. Eventually, however, the cell doors open, fines are paid off, and court supervision ends. The collateral consequences of a criminal conviction, om the other hand, either don’t end as quickly or don’t end at all. Attorneys must warn defendants about the […]
Hit-and-Runs in Criminal and Civil Court: What’s the Difference?
These incidents have become increasingly common over the past few years, especially among pedestrian accidents. Today, about 25 percent of pedestrian accidents are hit-and-runs. Frequently, people flee accident scenes because they don’t have insurance, have immigration issues, or are otherwise afraid of the consequences. Regardless of the reason, these victims badly need compensation for their […]